Roman Russo is the author of Optimal Happiness: The Fastest & Surest Way to Reach Your Happiest Potential, which is a book that proposes one formula for reaching our happiest selves, regardless of who we are and what our life circumstances are.
Roman is a life coach, public speaker, blogger, and life enthusiast who finished his MBA at Tilburg University. After several long and life draining years of working in a corporate world Roman found himself questioning what people really want from life, eventually searching and finding the answer for one of the most elusive questions on “How to be as happy as we can be?” Today, Roman teaches Optimal Happiness, which is the model designed to answer the above questions.
Roman is a life coach, public speaker, blogger, and life enthusiast who finished his MBA at Tilburg University. After several long and life draining years of working in a corporate world Roman found himself questioning what people really want from life, eventually searching and finding the answer for one of the most elusive questions on “How to be as happy as we can be?” Today, Roman teaches Optimal Happiness, which is the model designed to answer the above questions.